KTHBU is manufactured from galvanized material in accordance with the EU machinery directives. KTHBU is classified as a Category II 2D/0D Conveyor and is suitable to handle granulated and pulverized materials as comply with Zone 21 or Zone 22 and where the external atmosphere is unclassified. KTHBU curved discharge conveyor is designed to be fed … Continued


KTHb is manufactured from galvanized material in accordance with the EU machinery directives. It is classified as a Category II 2D/OD Conveyor and is suitable to handle granulated and pulverized materials, and complies with Zone 21 or Zone 22 and where the external atmosphere is unclassified. KTHb horizontal bottom conveyor is designed to feed an … Continued


KTIBU is manufactured from galvanized material in accordance with the EU machinery directives. KTIBU is classified as a Category II 2D/OD Conveyor and is suitable to handle granulated and pulverized materials as comply with Zone 21 or Zone 22 and where the external atmosphere is unclassified. CapacitiesKTIBU Bottom Discharge Conveyor is designed to feed a … Continued


KTIFb is manufactured from galvanized material in accordance with the EU Machinery Directives. KTIFb is classified as a Category II 2D/OD Conveyor and is suitable to handle granulated and pulverized materials as comply with Zone 21 or Zone 22 and where the external atmosphere is unclassified. CapacitiesKTIFb horizontal discharge conveyor is designed to feed a … Continued


Manufactured from galvanized material and in accordance with the EU Machinery Directives. It is suitable for horizontal to 15°, 30° and 45° inclined conveying. It is as standard a Catecory II 2D/0D Conveyor and complies with the European ATEX directive 94/9EC. When operating in a farm drying and storage plant handling different types of grain, … Continued


Manufactured from galvanized material and in accordance with the EU machinery directives. It is suitable for 15°, 30° and 45° degree conveying. It runs very quiet and is totally enclosed and dust free in operation. Brush gear for intermediate outlets can not be used on KTAb. It is as standard a Category II 2D/0D Conveyor … Continued


Manufactured from galvanized material and in accordance with the EU machinery directives. It is a standard a Category II 2D/0D Conveyor and complies with the European ATEX directive 94/9EC. When operating in a farm drying and storage plant handling different types of grain, the internal atmosphere complies with Zone 21 and the external is unclassified. … Continued

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