Grain Sampling Spear

It is vital to understand and manage the quality of your grain. As part of this, accurate sampling is required to guide management and provide a robust record of all the grain that leaves the farm. The challenge in grain sampling is to obtain a representative sample that will accurately reflect the characteristics of the whole bulk, whilst adhering to best practice in health and safety. Our Grain Sampling Spear gives accurate information about the quality of your consignment, so you can ensure it’s meeting market specifications, whether buying or selling grain.

Grain Sampling Opportunities

Best practice grain sampling encourages sampling at every step of the grain chain.

  • At harvest, assess moisture content.
  • Before storage, take representative samples.
  • During storage, monitor grain (moisture, temperature and pests).
  • At out loading, take representative samples.
  • At intake, processors sample and analyse grain

The Stork DV hydraulic grain sampler is the fastest, easiest and safest way to sample grain from an open trailer, essential for large farms, grain stores and mills.

At an unbeatable price, the Stork 440 Compact Sampler comes pre-assembled so is easy to install. It is suitable for cereals, flours, rice, seeds and straights.

Diagram of grain sampling spear in operation

Grain sampling spear dimensions and specifications

Dimensions and specifications Grain Sampling Spear

The above diagram shows detailed information regarding the grain sampler’s dimensions and specifications.

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