Manufactured from galvanized material and in accordance with the EU machinery directives. It is suitable for 15°, 30° and 45° to horizontal conveying. Brush gear for intermediate outlets can not be used on KTAb.

It is as standard a Category II 2D/0D Conveyor and complies with the European ATEX directive 94/9EC. When operating in a farm drying and storage plant handling different types of grain, the internal atmosphere complies with Zone 21 and the external is unclassified. If the conveyor operates in a plant where the external atmosphere is classified as Zone 22, electrical motors and switches must be ATEX approved.

KTB is avaliable in three models; 30, 40 and 60, to match the rated capacities of Skandia Bucket Elevators and C&F Conveyors.


Capacity t/h364563
Capacity m³/h486084
Chain speed m/s1.081.141.19
Nom. shaft rpm176185194


L-Line is specially adapted to small agricultural facilities. It is particularly suitable for small to medium sized farms that need concentrated operations during the harvest period.

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