How to choose the correct grain storage system
A reliable way for storing crops is essential for any arable business – good quality of grain can only be achieved with effective post-harvest measures so investment into a grain storage system is imperative for your agribusiness.
With technology constantly evolving we are in the fortunate position to be able to invest in innovative grain storage systems which will ensure that you reap the benefits of increased yield and efficient grain storage for many harvests to come.
Which grain storage system is right for you?
When considering investment, you need to fully assess the needs of your specific operation both now and in the future and there are some key parameters to focus on during your analysis:
You must evaluate the amount of grain produced on the farm and whether you need to account for any surplus.
Short or long term grain storage
The length of storage is vital when deciding which grain storage system to invest in – the type of silo required depends on how long the grain will be stored.
It is vital to consider the day to day logistics – is there enough space on the farm for the grain storage system? Can it be loaded/unloaded easily? At what angle it should stand to allow daily monitoring of the grain?
Grain storage should be an investment that will effectively serve for decades. It is important to evaluate if it is made of high quality, durable and environmentally resistant materials. The grain storage system needs to be strong enough to withstand any weather while maintaining an internal environment that’s optimum for the grain.
When choosing grain storage, one of the most significant parameters is its benefits in optimising farm processes. It is important to pay attention to the systems of ventilation and temperature measurement as these are the key elements in preserving the quality of the grain.
A properly selected grain storage system is an investment that will serve the needs of the business for several decades. Working closely with our suppliers we offer a wide range of technologically advanced grain storage systems which reduce time and effort and ensure that the grain will remain protected throughout the storage period.
Find out more about our Grain Storage Solutions here