3U Vision Optica
About the 3U Vision Optica
The 3U Vision Optica machine incorporates 4 wavelengths multispectral system as standard equipment, RGB and IR in the same 4K sensor. This innovative solution allows a completely aligned view. A
real improvement detecting defects in similar colours products but with different answers to infrared as foreign bodies, inorganic defects, etc. Furthermore, it allows a considerable cost reduction compared to the market standard with the use of two different cameras per chute.
Flat spectrum led which reproduce the natural sunlight spectrum: state of the art full spectrum led, without low emission frequencies typical of the standard white led. They allow to detect all the slightest colour shades.
Multi wavelengths led with focusing lens, it focuses the light only on the right points and allows high illumination and low consumption.
Self-regulation and equalization of the flow rates, to have constant and equal flows in all chutes.
System of signals equalization, to obtain the same results in each chute of the machine.
IOT ready, completely compatible with IOT 4.0: the 3U Vision Optica allows the exchange of information related to estimated throughput, estimated reject quantity, number of ejections, morphological product features, etc.
Easy programming system: the software has been developed to create or modify recipes without the presence of a qualified technician.
Smart custom cameras with integrated processing and analysis system, hardware and software, completely made in Italy.
Ramps with silver ion treatment for a better smoothness and hygiene.
Integrated remote-service system in order to help the customer in real time, quickly and
without on-site intervention costs of a technician.
Find out more about the 3U Vision Optica
Vanessa Schofield, a key member of the Tornum team with extensive technical knowledge, is the primary representative for 3U Vision.
Contact Vanessa – vanessa.schofield@tornum.com / 07477 509 516